Live Update to Residents-May 27, 2020

Daily Live updates to residents on our in-house TV970 keep us informed and connected. Today’s update featured John Burns, President and CEO; Sloan Verlander, Administrator Assisted Living; Patti Pickering, Fitness Specialist; and Jenny te Velde, Chaplain.

The following updates were shared during the live briefing on TV970.

John Burns

Worldwide, there have been around 5.6 million cases of COVID-19 and around 350,000 deaths. In the United States, there are 1,678,843 cases of COVID-19 and 99,031 deaths.

As of today, the data about COVID-19 in Virginia includes:

• 275,074 people have been tested for COVID-19. Positive cases total 40,249.

• The positivity rate in Virginia is 13.9% (trending down), Henrico is 13.8% and Richmond is 24.1%.

• In total, 4,385 people have been hospitalized to date. 1,459 are currently in the hospital, with 390 in ICU and 203 requiring ventilator support.

• There have been 1,281 deaths associated with COVID-19.

• 5,367 people have recovered.

• There have been 192 outbreaks in long-term care facilities, with nearly 4,600 cases and 731 deaths.

Most continuing care retirement communities in our area have had a Point Prevalence Survey, where the National Guard tests everyone on campus because of an outbreak. Covenant Woods has a new outbreak, and the National Guard will be there on Friday.

Communications Survey

Our Communications team is offering many new options to keep our residents, staff and families well-informed, entertained, fit and growing spiritually. In addition, there are many more resources available to you on Touchtown Community Apps. We need your input! In order to serve you best, we want to find out what you’re watching or reading. There is a Communication Survey available to you in two ways. You can find it on Touchtown Community Apps – look under The Tales section; the survey is at the top of the list. It is already active and ready for you to use. Also, the survey is printed in The Tales this week. If you choose to complete the printed version, please fill it out and place it in one of the boxes at the Tower or Center Desks, the Avalon Lobby or the Parsons Health Center First Floor. The survey will be open for two weeks. We encourage you to complete it on Touchtown Community Apps because the program will calculate the responses, saving some time. We greatly value your feedback!

Drive Carefully

Please drive carefully on campus. There are many people getting outside in vehicles, on bikes and on foot. Residents and staff are asked to please be careful and slow down.

Next Steps

Tomorrow we will share Step Three that begins June 8 and Step Four for June 15. Please tune in at 3 p.m. or plan to watch the reruns on the hour each hour on TV971.

Sloan Verlander

Assisted Living will be taking the following next steps as we look to Restart, Reengage and Reopen Assisted Living:

• The Avalon Salon opened yesterday for Avalon residents. The Avalon Salon will begin accepting appointments for Pavilion residents beginning Monday, June 1.

• The Gables Salon will reopen with limited appointments also beginning on June 1. Their services will be limited to shampoo, shampoo and haircut, or haircut without shampoo. Nail services will be limited to nail clipping and filing of both hands and feet.

• Couples who reside in separate areas of Independent and Assisted Living will be able to visit each other with specific parameters. Couples may meet for one hour, three times per week, outside only. Both residents must wear a mask and follow social distancing guidelines. They may not have meals as part of the visit. Assisted Living staff will help coordinate these important connections.

• Monticello and The Gables will restart memory support therapies in music, art and horticulture. Therapists will follow all precautions and protocols of Westminster Canterbury employees and contractors including being screened and wearing personal protective equipment. They will be escorted at all times by a Westminster Canterbury recreation employee.

Thank you for your continued support and patience.

Patti Pickering – Wellness

Watch the video for a demonstration of a simple exercise to help improve strength and stability.

Rock the Boat: For this exercise, begin by placing your feet hip-width apart. Make sure that each foot feels like it’s pressing into the ground with the same amount of force. This will ensure that your weight is evenly distributed across both legs. Standing tall with your shoulders back and head level, slowly transfer your weight to one side, lifting the opposite foot off the ground a few inches. Hold your leg up for as long as you can, but no longer than 30 seconds. Slowly transfer your weight back onto both feet and repeat the process on the opposite side. If you feel unstable, be sure to use a hand touch on solid stable surface like a counter. Aim to repeat this process five times on each side initially and work up to more repetitions as your balance and strength improve.

Jenny te Velde – Pastoral Care

A Worship Service will take place tomorrow, Thursday, May 28, at 10:30 a.m. on TV970. Rev. Deacon David Curtis will preach. The Worship Bulletin is available in the May Prayer Booklet.

New Daily Prayer Booklets are available. This month’s booklet includes a Prayer Walk and a Spiritual Communion guide based on “Communion Under Special Circumstances” from the Book of Common Prayer. Please call Vanessa Perry at ext. 1502 or David Curtis at ext. 5179 for a paper copy of the booklet. The booklet is also available on the Touchtown app.

Micah 6:8

And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

“The Small Beatitudes,” by Joseph Folliet

Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves;

they will have no end of fun.

Blessed are those who can tell a mountain from a molehill;

they will be saved a lot of bother.

Blessed are those who know how to relax without looking for excuses;

they are on their way to becoming wise.

Blessed are those who know when to be quiet and listen:

they will learn a lot of new things.

Blessed are those who are sane enough not to take themselves too seriously;

they will be valued most by those about them.

Happy are you if you can take small things seriously and face serious things calmly;

you will go far in life.

Happy are you if you can appreciate a smile and forget a frown;

you will walk on the sunny side of the street.

Happy are you if you can be kind in understanding the attitudes of others even when the signs are unfavorable;

you may be taken for a fool, but this is the price of charity.

Blessed are those who think before acting and pray before thinking;

they will avoid many blunders.

Happy are you if you know how to hold your tongue and smile, even when people interrupt and contradict you or tread on your toes;

the Gospel has begun to seep into your heart.

Above all, blessed are you who recognize God in all whom you meet;

the light of truth shines in your life for you have found true wisdom.

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