A Lenten Journey
During this Lenten season, many at Westminster Canterbury Richmond, and many out in the community and at churches across the Richmond region enjoy reading daily devotions like those found in A Lenten Journey. For twenty-one years Westminster Canterbury has produced this devotional guide featuring stories and thoughts from residents and staff. This year, 7,000 booklets were printed and distributed across Richmond.
A Lenten Journey is also available online! Click here to access. We hope you enjoy the following selection written by Westminster Canterbury resident and retired Collegiate teacher, Burrell Stultz.
The Greatest of These is Love
On any given day, I find myself saying, “I love that song,” “I love that music,” “I love chocolate.” This attitude of appreciation is contagious when working with others—especially children—and often leads to positive input and interactive conversations.
When, however, these expressions are directed to a person rather than an inanimate object, what a difference! There is a giving and receiving that has no equal. We all know this, but how often do we make this happen? How often do we say: “I love the way you helped me,” or “I loved how you tried even though there was a problem.” Love takes on a different focus.
I saw these profound words: “The magnitude love achieves is measured by the depth of giving, the perception of understanding and the faith of purpose through the passage of time.” I find these thoughts to be a powerhouse that truly personifies Paul’s letters.
Each of the measures is a God-given gift, and I am learning to appreciate this each day! This love gift helps in dealing with troubled times, frustrations and irritations that continue to present themselves in our lives. The familiar words of Henry Emerson Fosdick’s Make a Pearl, exemplify this gift: “Most of us can take a lesson from the oyster. The most extraordinary thing about an oyster is this. Irritations get into his shell. He does not like them. He tries to get rid of them. But when he cannot get rid of them, he settles down to make of them one of the most beautiful things in the world. He uses the irritations to do the loveliest thing that an oyster ever has a chance to do. If there are irritations in our lives—make a pearl. It may have to be a pearl of patience or understanding or giving of yourself, but, anyhow, make a pearl. It takes faith and love to do it!”
God helps me to turn day to day experiences into pearls. With His help I will make a pearl to give back to Him. Lord, we are grateful that your love comes to us, not forced but freely with no measures, for us to scatter. We will strive to be worthy of your precious gift. Amen.