A True Story: You’ve Known Her for Years
Bernadette’s daughter, Arlene, spoke recently of her deep appreciation for Westminster Canterbury Foundation donors. Bernadette was a public school teacher for more than 30 years. Her low earnings and family health challenges made retirement planning nearly impossible. In her mid-80s Bernadette’s situation became dire. A former student learned of what Bernadette was going through and told Arlene about Westminster Canterbury’s Fellowship Program. Arlene recalled how anxious and how hopeful she was when she helped her mom apply – and the flood of relief when they learned there was room in the program. Bernadette moved in! Three years later Bernadette was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Because of your generous gifts to our Areas of Greatest Need, Bernadette benefits from the best possible care and wonderful memory support therapies that keep her life active and full. Arlene’s eyes were shining with tears of thanksgiving when she shared, “What an amazing life Westminster Canterbury’s wonderful donors provide.”
There are more than 110 seniors who live at Westminster Canterbury Richmond now because of your generosity. Every day they laugh, smile and live life well. There are many more who need your help. Our Fellowship program provides housing, meals and even medical assistance. And gifts to our Areas of Greatest Need assure that every aspect of vital living is available to every single resident, regardless of their ability, health or financial status.
Your donation turns despair into joy and assures that we’ll improve the lives of those we serve each and every day. Be a real difference maker, today!
Names have been changed to retain confidentiality. To learn more call 804.264.6066. To give, visit www.wcrichmond.org/foundation.
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