Coming Soon – Plantings, Punch Lists and Paving

Interior spaces in the Village Apartments and the Vital Living Center are wrapping up. As trim, flooring and millwork are added, our teams have begun making punch lists. Outside, heavy equipment has been removed and crews are grading and adding sidewalks to the Ellipse area between the Promenade and Vital Living Apartments. Village Apartments buildings #1 and #2 are nearly complete. When the construction is wrapped up our horticulturist and her team will step in and add more robust plantings to the landscape. Join Westminster Canterbury Richmond’s President and CEO John Burns as he takes you through this August update.

Throughout Vibrancy!, Westminster Canterbury will provide regular updates in a variety of ways. Look for our regular emails, follow us on Facebook or check Residents are also encouraged to attend Canterbury Connect every first Tuesday of the month and read the Vibrancy! FAQ document.

To see renderings of the coming spaces, including the new Vital Living Center, and to learn more about becoming a resident here, visit

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