Groundbreaking for a New Spiritual Enrichment Center

Westminster Canterbury Richmond is growing from our roots in faith in a new way. On Wednesday, May 22, we will celebrate the groundbreaking for a new Spiritual Enrichment Center located front and center on our campus on 1600 Westbrook Avenue.

Westminster Canterbury was founded by the Episcopal and Presbyterian churches in 1971 and opened in 1975. Throughout our history, faith of all shapes and sizes has been an important part of our community that continues to grow. Our original, historic Montague Chapel has been part of our campus since the very beginning. It first expanded in 1995. Since that time, our programming has grown to include many opportunities for worship and learning.

Our purpose today is to create a space that fosters spiritual growth and allows current and future spiritual programs to flourish. As attendance at Pastoral Care programs continues to grow, we need a space that offers more capacity for worship, lectures, small groups, fellowship and memorial services. We are excited to design a space that perfectly meets those needs! Our new space will be located at the front of our campus and will include a bigger sanctuary, a relocated Montague Chapel, meeting rooms, office, memorial garden and more.

These are exciting times at Westminster Canterbury as we grow and evolve our campus to serve the needs our residents prove are so important in their day-to-day lives. The creation of this new space will equip us to do the right things now and to evolve as new residents join our community in the coming years.

Join us for the groundbreaking on Wednesday, May 22, at 3 p.m. You may stand outside the main Center Entrance or view a live stream of the ceremony in our Sara Belle November Theater. For more information, call 804.264.6066 or email

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