Independent Living Overnight Visitation Guidelines
Beginning Monday, October 12, overnight visitors will be permitted in Independent Living residences. The process for overnight visitation is different from the daily visitation occurring between 10 a.m.-9 p.m. This new process applies to all overnight visitation moving forward. A maximum of two overnight visitors per resident or resident couple is allowed at a time.
Seniors are among the populations most vulnerable to the coronavirus, so we must continue with an abundance of caution when making decisions about how and when to visit loved ones. Do not visit if you have any of these symptoms: fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or other new signs of illness.
Prior to Your Visit
- Overnight visitation must be prearranged through Resident Services by calling (804) 264-6082.
- Prior to arriving on campus, overnight visitors must provide a negative COVID-19 test result from testing that occurred within three days of the visit. Please email the results to or fax to (804) 264-6095.
Checking In and Visitation Process
- Overnight visitors must arrive on campus between 6 a.m.-10 p.m.
- Upon arrival to campus, overnight visitors will enter through the left lane of the Gatehouse.
- Proceed to the Avalon Entrance for screening. Visitors are required to have a temperature check and question screening upon arrival. If visitors have a temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit or have COVID-19-related symptoms, they will not be permitted to visit that day. Please answer screening questions honestly. You will receive a wristband indicating you have been screened.
- Screeners will notify the Front Desk of the overnight visitor’s arrival.
- Proceed to the Center or Tower Desk as directed, where you will receive a Welcome packet with more information for your visit.
- Overnight visitors will receive a temporary badge that must be kept with them at all times. This badge will be shown for entrance into the building.
- If overnight visitors leave campus during their stay, they must be screened upon return. They may show their badge at the Gatehouse and be screened at the Gatehouse before reentering the community.
- Visitors must wear a mask at all times, wash hands frequently or use hand sanitizer and always maintain social distancing of at least six feet.
- Visitation is only permitted in resident apartments and outside. Visitation in public spaces, dining rooms and lobby areas is not permitted. Please follow signage and take the most direct path to the location of your visit.
- Visitors may not dine in public dining rooms.
- Outdoor visitation is encouraged when possible as there is reduced risk of transmission with increased space and airflow.
We look forward to welcoming Overnight Visitors to our community in safe ways!