Live Update to Residents-January 5, 2021
Today’s Live Update on our in-house TV970 covered the latest news at Westminster Canterbury Richmond. It featured John Burns, President and CEO; Jessica Corbitt, Manager Cultural Arts; and Logan Augustine, Chaplain. The next Live Update will be Thursday, January 7.
The following updates were shared.
John Burns
COVID-19 Updates
Routine testing for Mary Morton Parsons Health Center residents and employees continues twice weekly per guidelines from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The local positivity rate used to determine the frequency of Mary Morton Parsons Health Center staff and resident testing is 13.5%. When it is more than 10%, each Parsons Health Center staff and resident is tested twice weekly.
Throughout Virginia, positivity rates are rising dramatically. Per the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), the positivity rate for Virginia is 16.2%. The positivity rates in our local areas are Chickahominy-16.8%; Chesterfield-16.1%; Henrico-14.1%; and Richmond-11.8%.
VDH reported today that community spread is on the rise. They are seeing a huge surge in community cases. While there was a rather large surge after Thanksgiving, they are seeing about double that amount currently. Long-term care outbreaks are being reported at a rapid rate. More concerning is that these outbreaks are doubling and tripling cases within residents and staff within days. Thankfully this has not been the case at Westminster Canterbury.
For residents who leave campus, please ensure that you ask those you may spend time with about exposures within their personal circle. If they have family or friends who have tested positive for COVID-19 or been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19, and you have spent time with them, you should quarantine.
On Friday, January 1, we learned that two residents of Parsons Health Center Third Floor tested positive for COVID-19. These residents moved to our reopened COVID-19 positive unit where they will be cared for by a dedicated team who will work only in this area. The resident who tested positive on Thursday, December 24, has since recovered.
This week, a non-clinical employee of Assisted Living and a Certified Nursing Assistant in The Gables and Monticello have tested positive for COVID-19. All residents in The Gables and Monticello are in quarantine and will be tested. Anyone who was impacted will be contacted directly.
We also learned that an Information Technology employee tested positive for COVID-19. A total of seven employees are currently recovering in quarantine off campus after testing positive for COVID-19. Several others are in quarantine due to experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19 or after being exposed to someone who has tested positive.
Vaccination Updates
In great news for our community, COVID-19 vaccination began yesterday! Yesterday, in partnership with CVS Health, we vaccinated 117 Parsons Health Center residents and 171 employees. About 200 more staff vaccinations are taking place today. It’s very exciting to see.
CVS Health is running vaccination clinics for each area of living. The vaccination clinics are going well, but the process is slow. Many have asked about the timing of vaccination for Independent and Assisted Living residents. Westminster Canterbury is ready to coordinate the vaccinations as soon as CVS has authorization to proceed, but there is a process that is regulated and controlled by VDH, not by Westminster Canterbury Richmond. We are currently in Phase 1a. All residents and staff in long term care facilities, hospital staff and first responders in Virginia need to be vaccinated before moving to Phase 1b.
Phase 1b will include Assisted Living residents and staff and Independent Living residents. Residents in these areas will be vaccinated before the general public but after everyone in long-term care.
Facilities Management Update
Sherry Grady, Vice President Facilities Management, has resigned from Westminster Canterbury effective January 18. Sherry and her husband have decided to relocate to Mississippi to be near family. We thank Sherry for her time at Westminster Canterbury and wish her well in the future. A search for a new Vice President to replace Sherry will begin soon.
Jessica Corbitt
Fireside Series
A new short series will begin tomorrow, January 6, at 3 p.m., live from the Sara Belle November Theater. For the next six weeks, we are launching a Fireside Series. This will be a weekly live concert in an intimate Fireside setting right here in our theater. We have wonderful artists on the lineup, such as John Bullard, a classical banjo player, and the phenomenal Susan Greenbaum singing soulful melodies that she does so well! Tomorrow we kick off with Ken Kellner, a local jazz artist who will sing and play guitar. Look for the posters in the elevators with details on upcoming shows soon!
The Salon thanks you for your cooperation and patience as we reopen the Main Salon. Please remember to wear a mask and avoid visiting with other residents or stylists while in the salon or in the hallway outside the salon.
Please do not arrive early as time is needed to sanitize work areas before allowing you to enter. The salon in limited in the number of people who may be in the space at any given time. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate standing weekly appointments at this time. If you need to purchase any retail items or need to request service, please call ext. 6281. If there is no answer, please leave your name and phone number, and they will strive to return your call within 24 hours.
The Fitness Center and Aquatic Center will reopen by appointment only on Monday, January 11. All appointments will be 30 minutes in length. Residents are allowed three appointment times per week. Appointments are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call ext. 6669 to schedule an appointment for the Fitness Center and ext. 6539 for an appointment at the Aquatic Center. If there is no answer, please leave a message indicating a preferred day and time, and a Wellness staff member will call you back to confirm your appointment.
Logan Augustine
Ring Out, Wild Bells
By Alfred Tennyson
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light;
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
Ring out the grief that saps the mind,
For those that here we see no more,
Ring out the feud of rich and poor,
Ring in redress to all mankind.
Ring out a slowly dying cause,
And ancient forms of party strife;
Ring in the nobler modes of life,
With sweeter manners, purer laws.
Ring out the want, the care the sin,
The faithless coldness of the times;
Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes,
But ring the fuller minstrel in.
Ring out false pride in place and blood,
The civic slander and the spite;
Ring in the love of truth and right,
Ring in the common love of good.
Ring out old shapes of foul disease,
Ring out the narrowing lust of gold;
Ring out the thousand wars of old,
Ring in the thousand years of peace.
Ring in the valiant man and free,
The larger heart, the kindlier hand;
Ring out the darkness of the land,
Ring in the Christ that is to be.
Happy New Year to all! As we say goodbye to the year 2020, let us welcome 2021, knowing that while everything has not been fixed by the stroke of midnight on January 1, we are still on our way into a new year with new beginnings and new promises.
Loving God, thank you for the gift of time. Help us to look forward to this year with hope and gratitude. Let us not forget the human need, injustices, and suffering that we witnessed and experienced in 2020, but help us to be moved by these things to act and make decisions that create a healthier, more whole community for us and for our neighbors. Help us to hold on to the value of slowing down, of taking time to take care of ourselves, and of reaching out to others. May we be kinder and gentler with each other as we recognize the value and sacredness of each moment spent together. Help us to lean into you amidst our own anxiety and uncertainty of the new year. Propel us into this new year with renewed strength, confidence, and hope for the future. For our faith and our hope are in you, O God.