Live Update to Residents-July 16, 2020
Live updates to residents on our in-house TV970 keep us informed and connected on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3 p.m. Today’s update featured John Burns, President and CEO; Kathleen Pender, Horticulturist; Lynn McClintock, Director Pastoral Care; and The Rev. Rainey Dankel, resident.
The following updates were shared during the live briefing on TV970.
John Burns
The coronavirus is spreading across the United States faster now than at any point in the pandemic, and the number of new cases is accelerating. As of today, the COVID-19 data for Virginia includes:
• Positive cases total 74,431.
• The rolling seven-day positivity rate in Virginia is 7.2%, trending up. Henrico-6.0%-trending up. Chesterfield-8.0%-trending down. Richmond-5.9%-trending down.
Last week we learned that two residents on the same unit in Parsons Health Center had tested positive for COVID-19. Our first resident had very mild symptoms and is improving. The second resident is still very sick but appears to be stable. Thank you for your continued prayers. Thank you to our incredible nursing and support staff in Parsons Health Center who work all day in personal protective equipment (PPE) – and do it with a smile!
We received all pending test results for Parsons Health Center from the round of testing that found our second positive resident, with no additional positive cases. Parsons Health Center residents are being tested again this week, and we will share those results next week.
All residents and staff in The Gables and Monticello received negative test results, allowing us to reopen The Gables salon and resume scheduled family visitation there.
Currently, around ten employees have shown symptoms and are quarantined off campus waiting for test results. Today, we learned that another certified nursing assistant (CNA) from Parsons Health Center has tested positive for COVID-19. Residents of Parsons Health Center First Floor, where this employee works, were tested on Friday. Results are still pending. We will continue our diligence in wearing PPE and working to ensure the safety of staff and residents. Westminster Canterbury has had confirmed cases of COVID-19 in 18 employees so far. 11 of the 18 employees have recovered, tested negative twice and returned to work. Seven employees continue to recover off campus.
Point Prevalence Survey
On July 20 and 21, a Point Prevalence Survey, or PPS, will be conducted at Westminster Canterbury in partnership with the Virginia Department of Health and National Guard. A PPS entails testing all individuals in a designated area of a facility, whether or not they have symptoms, on one day. Our team will work together with the National Guard to test all residents and employees over two days – 100% participation is our goal. There is no charge for the test.
The National Guard will arrive on campus around 6 a.m. on Monday morning and set up in the Roof Terrace, Cochrane Commons, and Rice Assembly. For residents of Mary Morton Parsons Health Center, The Gables, Monticello and Pavilion, teams will go door-to-door to conduct the tests. Residents of the Tower, Garden and The Glebe will be tested in the Roof Terrace. Residents of the Courtyard, Homes on the Green and Avalon will be tested in Cochrane Commons. Employees will be tested in the Rice Assembly. Everyone should wear a mask and follow signage regarding social distancing while waiting to be tested.
A designated testing schedule will limit the number being tested at one time. Independent Living residents will receive their specific testing time and instructions from their floor representatives. Thank you to Nancy Scoggins and the floor representatives for their help!
Everyone on campus needs to be tested regardless of whether they have been tested previously. Residents who are under quarantine during the two test days will be contacted to set up a testing time so they will not have to leave their apartment. Residents who are not on campus and available to be tested during the two-day PPS should contact their social worker to arrange a time to be tested later. This testing is one of the requirements as Westminster Canterbury works toward its next steps in reopening.
A written memo with more information is being distributed today.
Azalea Parking Lot
Tomorrow, Henrico County Police will be at the Azalea Parking Lot to enforce no trespassing laws in response to the recent loud gatherings.
Kathleen Pender
Irrigation Repairs
The Cochrane Pond is the water source for the irrigation system for the Center for Creative Living, Campbell Garden, Homes on the Green, Courtyard Apartments, Avalon, The Gables and Child Development Center. These areas receive water from the Cochrane Pond for irrigation, and runoff from these areas naturally drains back to the Cochrane Pond. This is a great resource and a delicate balance for water quality for wildlife and our landscape.
On Friday, July 10, a team of certified divers and our Irrigation Pump Specialist were onsite to float the irrigation sled from the depths of the Cochrane Pond to the shoreline to replace the irrigation pump motors. The team noticed the flanges, which are apparatus connecting and holding the pump assembly in place on the irrigation sled, were damaged and in need of replacement. The flanges were installed and the irrigation sled will be put back into place on Friday, July 17. The large orange floating ball in the Cochrane Pond has marked the exact location of the irrigation sled. Once this portion of the project is completed, BCLS will begin to pressurize the irrigation main line. Next, the irrigation main line will be pressurized and we will begin to program irrigation run times for the affected areas. Additional irrigation will be scheduled to assist in the recovery of stressed turf and plants resulting from this project.
If you have questions, contact Kathleen Pender at ext. 6045. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through the completion of this project.
Tower Green Project Update
BCLS is working to complete the paver walkway for the Tower Green over the next week, including paved areas for benches along the pathway. Most of the amenities included in this project have been installed. The original fountain selected for this project was not in scale with the entrance area, so we are working through the details of the final fountain for this area. In the meantime, we will create a focal point that will include chalet stone and container planting at the location where a future fountain will be installed later.
We anticipate planning a soft grand opening for the Tower Green Project on Monday, August 3. Additional details will follow on TV970 and in The Tales.
Lynn McClintock
Chaplains are available to residents and staff if support is needed during these challenging times.
The Rev. Rainey Dankel
Jeremiah 29:7, 11-12
“Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. …For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you.”(Jeremiah 29:7,11-12)
O God, our Creator, whose glory is revealed in all the world: We commend this nation to your merciful care, that, being guided by your Providence, we may dwell secure in your peace. Grant to the President of the United States, the Governor of this Commonwealth, and to all in authority, wisdom and strength to know and to do your will. Fill them with the love of truth and righteousness, and make then ever mindful of their calling to serve this people. Protect all those who labor on our behalf: scientists and counselors, farmers and food workers, first responders, drivers, and housekeepers, and especially all medical workers. Sustain them with your life-giving Spirit that the health of the community may be restored, to the glory of your Name. We turn to you, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer, offering our prayer in your Holy Name. Amen.