Live Update to Residents-June 11, 2020

Daily Live updates to residents on our in-house TV970 keep us informed and connected. Today’s update featured John Burns, President and CEO; Sarah Abernathie, Visual Arts and Program Coordinator; Lynn McClintock, Director Pastoral Care; and Rev. Canon J. Fletcher Lowe, Jr., resident.

The following updates were shared during the live briefing on TV970.

John Burns

Assisted Living Update

Results from the second round of testing for Avalon residents are all negative. This morning we lifted the quarantine for Avalon residents only. The second round of testing for The Gables and Monticello residents and staff will occur Saturday. Once we receive those test results, we will determine when the quarantine in those areas will be lifted.

Baseline Testing

We continue testing all staff in Parsons Health Center to establish a baseline. So far, all results have been negative. Early next week the Rehab department and Westminster Canterbury Richmond at Home staff will be tested.

Step Four

Step Four of Westminster Canterbury’s Next Steps begins the week of Monday, June 22. Next steps include:

• The Promenade dining room will reopen for breakfast and lunch. Details are in this week’s Tales.

• The last Pantry service deliveries will be next week. Jason Pace will share details at tomorrow’s briefing.

• We plan to reduce the number of live briefings beginning June 22 and will announce a new schedule next week.


We are preparing a structured, safe visitation program for all areas of campus. This plan and its implementation is contingent upon no new cases. New staff or resident cases may cause quarantine, which will make visitation difficult or impossible until we are clear again. We anticipate the visitation program will start and stop due to uncontrollable circumstances. Independent Living visitation will begin by appointment only on Tuesday, June 23. Next week, we will share details of how you and your loved ones can make appointments and how the process will work. Assisted Living visitation will begin Monday, June 29.

A plan for Parsons Health Center visitation has been created; however, we must wait until we receive guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to determine when it may begin. As soon as they allow this type of visitation, we are ready to begin. The Governor’s Task Force has submitted a request to Health and Human Services to assist with creating guidance and process to help facilitate reopening.

Next week, detailed written information on the changes coming June 22 will be available.

Sarah Abernathie

Starting next week, the McGue-Millhiser Arts Studio, McCord Clay Studio and Gordon Woodworking Shop will be open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Art Studios

There will be places available for total of six people in the Arts Studio tables and two residents in the pottery room. Tables and chairs will be spaced apart and removed for social distancing requirements. A sign-in sheet as you walk in will assign you a space to work. Feel free to reserve a spot in advance by calling ext. 6268.

Woodworking Shop

Two people are allowed in the shop at a time. There will be a list on the bulletin board outside of the studio to sign up for the three slots a day. You may also call ext. 6268 to reserve a spot.

Social distancing must be observed at all times, and masks must be worn. There will be a table in the Arts Studio and Woodworking Shop with hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. Please use the sanitizer upon entering the space. At the end of your session, please put away all of your supplies and work in their appropriate places, wipe down your chair, table, and anywhere else you feel necessary, with the provided wipes.

Art Exhibits

Two new exhibits are on display in the Melin Gallery – the resident Photography Club and employee Jasmine Mason. Residents have been busy taking wonderful pictures around campus and are also sharing lovely work from past excursions. Jasmine Mason works in Dining and graduated from Henrico High School’s Center for the Arts. She was one of 16 national Gold Medal Portfolio winners in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.

Two new artists are on display in the November Gallery. Michelle Muri-Sloane’s bold paintings are large, stunning florals created with classic art techniques using a modern application. The clay artist is Amy Chaplin, Fine Arts Director at Trinity School. Her work is striking and modern with a twist of an old world feel.

Thoughtful Thursday – Rev. Canon Fletcher Lowe


“Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Hebrew Scriptures, New Testament, Quran)

“Prayer for People Facing Great Uncertainty”

God of the present moment,

God who in Jesus stills the storm and soothes the frantic heart;

bring hope and courage to all who wait or work in uncertainty.

Bring hope that you will make them the equal of whatever lies ahead.

Bring them courage to endure what cannot be avoided,

for your will is health and wholeness; you are God, and we need you.

From A New Zealand Prayer Book

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