Live Update to Residents-March 30, 2021

Today’s Live Update on our in-house TV970 covered the latest news at Westminster Canterbury Richmond. It featured John Burns, President and CEO; Will Blackwell, Vice President Health Services; and Lynn McClintock, Director Pastoral Care. The next Live Update will be Thursday, April 1.

The following updates were shared.

John Burns

COVID-19 Updates

Reopening continues to go well. There are no new cases of COVID-19 in employees or residents.

Please continue to be careful and diligent about following existing guidelines from the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Many have been traveling for spring break or Easter. There is a slight uptick in the statewide positivity rate. Please continue wearing a mask around others, maintain social distancing and wash your hands frequently, even if you have been vaccinated. Outside visitation is safer than indoor visitation.

In Independent Living, there is a limit of two visitors per resident or resident couple in your apartment or home. If you have more than two visitors, you are welcome to visit outside. We are not limiting the number of visitors outside, but we do ask you to be mindful of social distancing and others who may be visiting outside nearby.

Overnight visitation in Independent Living residences must be prearranged through Resident Services by calling (804) 264-6082. Please call to make the arrangements during the week, Monday through Friday, during business hours. Overnight visitors must provide a negative COVID-19 test result, either from testing that occurred within three days of the visit or via a rapid test that will be offered upon arrival to campus. The negative test result must be provided regardless of the visitors’ vaccination status. Please refer to the Independent Living Overnight Visitation Guidelines for more details. Additional information is available on our website at

We will continue to reopen slowly and share additional announcements in the coming weeks.


Thursday’s Live Update will include a narrated video tour of the Vibrancy! project.

Will Blackwell

Mary Morton Parsons Health Center

The Annual Survey for Parsons Health Center began on March 22 and ended on March 25. There were four surveyors onsite. The surveyors made observations in dining, the kitchen, medication pass, wound care and resident rooms. The surveyors reviewed 39 resident records and interviewed several residents and families. They looked at falls, weight loss and isolation triggers due to the pandemic. They reviewed five employee records. At the end of the survey they shared four concerns, including bed hold documentation, Activities of Daily Living care, menus that meet the residents’ needs and sanitation of kitchens. The survey team was complimentary of the nursing staff and others they interviewed. We are awaiting official survey results. Thank you to Dining, Housekeeping, Engineering and other teams for helping us achieve a great survey.

Lynn McClintock

Pastoral Care Announcements

Music in the Sanctuary

Reservations required. Please call Vanessa Perry at ext. 1502 or David Curtis at ext. 5179 to reserve your seat.

• April 6, 11 a.m., Nancy Bain, Hymns and other pieces

• April 13, 11 a.m., Annette Sparks, Showtunes

• April 20, 11 a.m., Sally Maynard, Sacred and Secular

• April 27, 11 a.m., Susie Frazer, Beautiful Favorites

Thursday/Maundy Worship

Please join us via TV970, at 10:30 a.m., for the Maundy Thursday Service and Stripping of the Altar. Jenny te Velde will preach. Ed Schutt will play the piano.

Good Friday Worship

Please join us via TV970, at 10:30 a.m., for the Good Friday Service. The Passion of Christ and The Solemn Collects will be read. Nancy Bain will play the piano.

Easter Worship

Please join us via TV970, at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m., for the Easter Service. Lynn McClintock will be preaching, and Ed Schutt will be playing the organ. A Sermon for Every Sunday will be shown as usual at 4 p.m. on Easter afternoon on TV970.

In-Person Worship

You are welcome to come in person to the new chapel in the afternoons, Monday through Friday, at 4:45 p.m., for Evening Prayer. In-person worship on Thursdays will begin after Easter, on April 7, at 10:30 a.m.

Galatians 5:22-23

“… the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”


Loving God, as we offer our prayers to you this morning, we give you thanks for adding another day onto our lives. With one year of the virus past us, we’ve come to a new realization of how precious life is, how much our families, friends, and colleagues mean to us, and how connected our fragile lives are with the entire human family. We grieve together over the losses of life, of freedoms, of hampered connection and yet, as we look back, if we really look, we do see more than just smoke and tumult. We see a new tenderness among people, deepened gratitude for the small things in life, a stepping-aside from the rat race that we once complained so much about—we see how you have been with us through every turn, never leaving us, always present with us. Even when we didn’t know what the path before us would be like—when we had no map to guide us—no Pandemic for Dummies book to consult—you reminded us that the path always runs in only one direction: ahead. And that with you beside us, no matter the turnings or terrors on the way, we do not face life alone. For this marvelous, grace—far more wonderful than we can imagine or than we deserve, we give you thanks. Amen.

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