Live Update to Residents-May 6, 2020
Daily Live updates to residents on our in-house TV970 have become a popular way for us to stay in touch while social distancing! Today’s update featured John Burns, President and CEO; Gayle Hunter Haglund, Vice President Resource Development; Taryn Young, Fitness Specialist; and Vanessa Perry, Pastoral Care Administrator.
The following updates were shared during the live briefing on TV970.
John Burns
Residents are encouraged to wear masks when walking around the campus. If you don’t have one, contact Resident Services at ext. 6082. Social distancing and masking are two key ways we can prevent the spread of COVID-19, and they will be our new normal for awhile. Please continue to keep your distance from residents and staff in order to stay healthy and protect each other.
Yesterday, we learned from a resident’s son that The New York Times published an online story titled “Coronavirus in the U.S., Latest Map and Case Count.” In the article, there is a table that lists the worst outbreaks in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities in the United States. Westminster Canterbury Richmond is incorrectly listed as having 136 cases of COVID-19. We have been in touch with The New York Times to have this corrected.
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you to the teachers in our Child Development Center who do a great job teaching our children year-round. They are working hard in many different ways around our campus right now, doing Gatehouse and temperature screenings and helping with grocery deliveries. We are very appreciative of all they are doing.
Today marks the start of National Nurses Week, which is May 6-12. Today is National Nurses Day. Thank you to all resident and staff nurses! It ends on May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who is considered to be the founder of modern nursing. If you want to show your appreciation for our teachers and nurses, please feel free to write and send notes, and we will share them with the teams.
Gayle Hunter Haglund
Gayle recently returned to the office after medical leave. She watched all the live updates from home and felt connected with the residents. She shared several words of appreciation:
• To John Burns for his strong, honest leadership
• To the entire Coronavirus Incident Command Team
• To the Resource Development team who does a wonderful job at all times, and especially during this challenging time
• For all the ways residents and staff are examples of inspiring generosity – the ways you care for and appreciate one another. It’s been especially exciting to learn about your generosity to our Fellowship Program, which assures residents that no one will ever be asked to leave for financial reasons beyond their control, and our W·E·A·V·E program that provides for our wonderful workforce.
Taryn Young – Wellness
Today is the last day to let the Wellness team know if you completed the April CV-19 Calendar Challenge and be entered into the prize drawing. Call the Fitness Center at ext. 6669 or email
Moving Meditation is an awareness of your movement without a destination in mind. There are many forms including Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Ai Chi and even walking. One of the simplest forms is Vinyasa or Flow Yoga. Taryn demonstrated a Heart Vinyasa that is practiced in the Chair Yoga program. It is intended to get breath, brain and body in alignment. You can practice seated or standing. Watch the video for a demonstration.
If you would like more information about yoga, meditation or breath work, contact Taryn at ext. 6539 on Monday and Wednesday or ext. 6264 on Tuesday and Thursday.
“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” Dalai Lama
Vanessa Perry – Pastoral Care
A Worship Service will take place Thursday, May 7, at 10:30 a.m. on TV970. Rev. Deacon Logan Augustine will preach. May Prayer Booklets that contain daily prayers and weekly worship bulletins are available by calling Vanessa Perry at ext. 1502 or David Curtis at ext. 5179.
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
Prayer written by St. Teresa of Avila.
(This prayer has been given throughout the centuries during times of loneliness, anxiousness, and distress.)