Memo-Assisted Living Visitation

TO: Assisted Living Residents and Families

FROM: Sloan Verlander, Administrator Assisted Living

SUBJECT: Assisted Living Visitation Policies

DATE: June 22, 2020

Download a copy of the memo here.

After consulting with our Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) Licensing Inspector and VDSS Licensing Administrator, we are able to announce scheduled family/guest visits for Assisted Living to begin July 1, 2020. Although these visits will be different from what residents and families are used to, we have to adhere to the following guidelines in order for these visits to occur:

• Visits for Avalon and Pavilion residents will be held in the Avalon Conference Room (across from the Avalon Entrance). You may park in the Avalon parking lot.

• Visits for Monticello and The Gables will be held in the Memory Support Living Room (adjacent to the Memory Support Entrance). You may park in the Memory Support parking lot.

• Only one guest per visit with each resident allowed

• Visits may last up to 30 minutes (staff will disinfect/clean the areas after each visit)

• Resident AND guest must sanitize hands prior to entering the room and upon exiting the room (hand sanitizer will be provided)

• Resident AND guest must wear a mask for the duration of the visit (guest must provide their own mask)

• Resident AND guest must adhere to social distancing during visit (6 feet apart)

• No meals or outside food allowed during visits

• No item should be brought in that cannot be sanitized prior to leaving the room used for visiting

• Visits will occur Monday – Friday at scheduled times from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

• Avalon visits are scheduled by contacting Jennifer Kapel at 261-5376 or

• Pavilion visits are scheduled by contacting Joy Johnson at 200-1100 or

• Monticello visits are scheduled by contacting Sloan Verlander at 264-6275 or

• The Gables visits are scheduled by contacting Ermelinda Chicas at 200-1015 or

The visit time is not finalized until you receive confirmation from the scheduler by phone or email. Please be mindful that we will be allowing the opportunity for all Assisted Living residents to have a scheduled visit with a guest before we begin scheduling repeat visits. Please be patient as it can be several weeks between visits.

Once a visit has been confirmed, please know that the following will occur on the day of the visit:

• Resident will come to the respective meeting location

• Guest will be screened and temperature checked at the Gatehouse

• Upon arriving at either the Avalon Entrance (for Avalon and Pavilion visits) or the Memory Support Entrance (for Monticello and The Gables visits), guest will be met and escorted to appropriate meeting location. At the end of the visit, staff will escort the guest to the proper exit and resident will return to their apartment.

• Guest will be unable to go to the Assisted Living area of residency or into a resident’s apartment

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