Memo-COVID-19 Update-November 13, 2020

FROM: John Burns, President and CEO; Will Blackwell, Vice President Health Services; Debra Jacobsen, Administrator Resident Services; and Sloan Verlander, Administrator Assisted Living


DATE: November 13, 2020

As the coronavirus pandemic impacts our region and nation, Westminster Canterbury Richmond shares our latest updates. An increasing number of cases of COVID-19 are impacting Westminster Canterbury residents and staff. Those who may have been exposed will be contacted directly. We want to reassure you that we are following all recommended precautions to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our residents and employees. Westminster Canterbury follows the latest guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Virginia Department of Health (VDH) in our response.

Our goal is to take steps that will protect our community and end our current outbreak as quickly as possible. We need your help to accomplish this! Please read carefully as many programs and services are changing. We will share more at a Live Update on Tuesday, November 17.

Resident Cases

Ten residents have currently tested positive for COVID-19. Seven moved to our COVID-19 positive unit where they will be cared for by a dedicated team who will work only in this area. Three are being cared for in the hospital. Our ten resident cases include:

1. A resident of Parsons Health Center First Floor who tested positive on November 6 and previously tested positive for COVID-19 in June.

2. A resident of Independent Living who tested positive on November 7.

3. A resident of Parsons Health Center First Floor who tested positive on November 8.

4. A resident of Parsons Health Center First Floor who tested positive on November 8.

5. A resident of Independent Living who was recently discharged from Parsons Health Center after a temporary stay. This resident tested positive on November 9.

6. A resident of Parsons Health Center First Floor who tested positive on November 11.

7. A resident of Parsons Health Center Third Floor who tested positive on November 11.

8. A resident of Parsons Health Center Second Floor who tested positive on November 11.

9. A resident of Parsons Health Center First Floor who tested positive on November 13.

10. A resident of Parsons Health Center First Floor who tested positive on November 13.

A few residents who were recently discharged to Assisted and Independent Living from temporary stays in Parsons Health Center will quarantine in their apartments for 14 days.

Mary Morton Parsons Health Center

Parsons Health Center communal dining and recreation is suspended. All floors remain in quarantine until further notice. Family visitation in Parsons Health Center is suspended until further notice, except in end-of-life and compassionate care situations. Parsons Health Center residents who leave our community for any reason other than medical appointments will be required to quarantine for 14 days upon return. If you would like to schedule a FaceTime, Skype or Zoom with a Parsons Health Center resident, please contact:

• First Floor – Lori Capers at (804) 264-6217 or

• Third Floor – Hailey Kastetter at (804) 264-6266 or

• Second Floor – Lori Capers or Hailey Kastetter

Assisted Living

Family visitation in Assisted Living is suspended until further notice, except in end-of-life and compassionate care situations. Assisted Living residents are asked to stay close to their area of living. They may go outside for exercise for up to 30 minutes provided they wear a mask at all times and do not meet with others. Assisted Living residents who leave our community for any reason other than medically necessary appointments will be required to quarantine for 14 days upon return. However, if the resident meets a family member at the medical appointment, the resident will also be required to quarantine for 14 days. Assisted Living communal dining and group activities are suspended. If you would like to schedule a FaceTime, Skype or Zoom with an Assisted Living resident, please contact:

• Avalon – Tina Shearer at (804) 264-6064 or

• The Gables – Lynne Cook at (804) 200-1594 or

• Monticello – Sara Merchant at (804) 261-5269 or

Independent Living

Some Resident Services are suspended until further notice. Small group, Pastoral Care, Recreation and Wellness activities are suspended. Salon Services in all areas of living, the Arts Studio and Woodworking Shop are closed. The Galleria will offer delivery service next week. Virtual performances from the Sara Belle November Theater will continue. CVS Pharmacy will be open to one customer at a time. Transportation services will continue. We will share next steps with these services at the Live Update on Tuesday, November 17.

While we are contact tracing our current cases and working to control the spread of infection, we discourage visitation and social gatherings. If we have positive cases of COVID-19, we may need to suspend family visitation, in-person dining in the Promenade and other activities.

Promenade Dining

Based on guidance from VDH, we no longer offer parties of four in the Promenade. Residents may make reservations for up to two people for lunch or dinner by calling ext. 6030.

Deliveries from Family and Friends
Family and friends who need to deliver items for residents may come to the Tower Entrance. Courtesy Services will be available to accept the delivery and take it to the resident. This service is available Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Employee Cases

Several employees have experienced symptoms and are out awaiting test results. Others have had direct exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 and are quarantining per the recommendation of the Virginia Department of Health (VDH). Eleven employees have currently tested positive for COVID-19 and are recovering at home.

1. A Dining employee from Parsons Health Center

2. A private duty sitter from Parsons Health Center

3. A Certified Nursing Assistant-Medication Aide from The Gables

4. A Nurse from Parsons Health Center

5. A Housekeeping employee from Parsons Health Center

6. A Parsons Health Center employee

7. An Engineering employee

8. A Nurse from Parsons Health Center

9. A Nurse from Parsons Health Center

10. A Housekeeping employee from Parsons Health Center

11. A Certified Nursing Assistant-Medication Aide from The Gables

Westminster Canterbury Richmond COVID-19 Case Summary

We are committed to continued transparency about our COVID-19 response and cases in our residents and staff. Since March, Westminster Canterbury has had confirmed cases of COVID-19 in a total of 24 residents and 46 employees. Fourteen residents recovered. Ten are currently infected. So far, 35 of the 46 employees have recovered and returned to work.

Follow the Core Principles of COVID-19 Infection Prevention

We need your help in following these guidelines in order to keep one another well.

• Wear a mask at all times when around others.

• Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer.

• Always maintain social distancing of at least six feet.

• Everyone must be screened before entering our community.

• Follow enhanced safety and disinfection recommendations from the CDC, CMS and VDH.

• Stay home if you do not feel well and contact your physician.

Ongoing Updates

• Stay up-to-date with us online. Check the COVID-19 Update page and blog at

• Live Update videos air on our in-house TV970. Recordings are available later on, or on TV971 daily at 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Next week our Live Updates will be on Tuesday, November 17, and Thursday, November 19.

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