Memo-Independent Living Vaccination Scheduled-January 29, 2021

FROM: John Burns, President and CEO; Will Blackwell, Vice President Health Services; Debra Jacobsen, Administrator Residential Living; Sloan Verlander, Administrator Assisted Living


DATE: January 29, 2021

After much discussion and coordination with officials from the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and CVS Health, Westminster Canterbury Richmond is pleased to share that CVS has been reauthorized to provide COVID-19 vaccination for our Independent Living residents. We have confirmation from VDH that CVS will provide a vaccination clinic for Independent Living residents on Wednesday and Thursday, February 3 and 4. We apologize for the confusion and frequent changes associated with planning for Independent Living vaccination as everyone navigates this new, unprecedented challenge together. A new Update video will begin running on TV971 at 2 p.m. today.

This is a two-dose vaccine. Residents must receive their first dose on Wednesday or Thursday, February 3 or 4, and be available to receive their second dose on Wednesday or Thursday, February 24 or 25. No first doses will be given at the February 24-25 vaccination clinic.

All Independent Living residents are receiving vaccination consent forms in their boxes today. If you need assistance completing the form, call the Resident Services Vaccination Help Line at ext. 1570 or 804-200-1570. This line will be available beginning Monday, February 1, between 10 a.m.-2 p.m. If we are busy with another resident, please leave a message. Someone will return your call as soon as they are able.

Once you have completed the form, please return it by end of day Monday, February 1, to one of two locked boxes that will be located at the Tower and Center Desks. These boxed are labeled and secured for your convenience. This will allow us to have accurate counts and to assist any residents who may have questions or problems completing the form. On vaccination day, we will return the consent forms to you as you wait for your turn. As long as you have filled out the form and returned it to the locked boxes at the Tower and Center Desks, you will not need to bring anything with you on the day of the vaccine clinic.

Next week, we will share a schedule for the vaccine clinic day that indicates when each area of living should come to the Cochrane Commons for vaccination. If you have a previous engagement and cannot come at the time set aside for your floor, you may come at a different time. If possible, we ask you to come at your scheduled time to help manage the number of people in the area and to maintain social distancing. After receiving your shot, you must remain in the area for 15 minutes for observation.

Outside Vaccination Appointments

If you are an Independent Living resident, and you are vaccinated outside of Westminster Canterbury, please notify the Clinic so that your medical record can be updated. The Clinic will need a copy of your vaccine documentation. If you need transportation to an outside vaccine appointment, you may call our transportation department at ext. 6263 to schedule an appointment. If you are vaccinated outside of Westminster Canterbury, please return the blank vaccination consent form to the Tower or Center Desks.

Mary Morton Parsons Health Center and Assisted Living COVID-19 Vaccination

Our first vaccination clinic on January 4-5 resulted in a total of 461 vaccinations for Parsons Health Center residents and employees. Our second vaccination clinic on January 25-26 included 443 employees and 232 residents, for a total of 675. Many were receiving their second dose. Assisted Living residents and employees will receive their second vaccine dose on February 15-16.

Parsons Health Center

This morning we learned that a resident of Mary Morton Parsons Health Center Third Floor has tested positive for COVID-19. This resident moved to the COVID-19 positive unit where a total of two residents are being cared for by a dedicated team that works only in this unit. Yesterday, January 28, we learned that two Dining employees who work in Mary Morton Parsons Health Center have tested positive for COVID-19. Third Floor will remain in quarantine until Thursday, February 10. Sadly, one of our Parsons Health Center residents who tested positive for COVID-19 passed away this week. Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers.

Employee Cases

Many employees who previously tested positive have recovered and returned to work. With the two new cases this week, five are currently recovering in quarantine.

Follow the Core Principles of COVID-19 Infection Prevention

Westminster Canterbury follows the latest guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and VDH in our response to the pandemic. Please take special care to stay home, monitor yourself for symptoms of COVID-19 and follow these guidelines to help protect yourself and others. Always wear a mask when around others. Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer. Always maintain social distancing of at least six feet. Stay home if you do not feel well and contact your physician. In-person gatherings with individuals outside your household are discouraged. Stay connected by phone or in virtual ways. We will get through this together!

Ongoing Updates

• Stay up to date on with the COVID-19 Update page and blog.

• Live Update videos air on our in-house TV970. Recordings are available on, or TV971 daily at 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Our next Live Update is Tuesday, February 2, at 3 p.m.

We are eager to move forward together. Vaccinated today for a stronger tomorrow.

Thank you for your support!

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