Memo-Positive COVID-19 Cases Update-July 17, 2020

FROM: John Burns, President and CEO, and Will Blackwell, Vice President Health Services

SUBJECT: Positive COVID-19 Cases Update

DATE: July 17, 2020

Throughout July, Westminster Canterbury Richmond, as with the rest of the country, is seeing an increase in cases of COVID-19 on our campus. We know that this can be a scary and confusing time, so we will continue to keep you up-to-date on the status on campus and how we are responding as we learn of positive cases. It is critically important to remain diligent in wearing masks, washing hands and practicing social distancing.

Testing of residents and staff in Parsons Health Center has been ongoing due to positive cases, and we are receiving test results more slowly than in the past. More frequent testing will continue.

On July 6 and 8, Westminster Canterbury learned of positive cases of COVID-19 in two residents on Parsons Health Center Second Floor. The first had mild symptoms and is improving. The second is very sick but stable.

On July 10, 13, and 16, three certified nursing assistants (CNAs) in Parsons Health Center tested positive for COVID-19. These CNAs worked with residents on all three floors of Parsons Health Center.

On Friday, July 17, we learned that a resident on Parsons Health Center First Floor has tested positive for COVID-19. This resident has mild symptoms.

Residents of Parsons Health Center continue to be under quarantine per guidelines from the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Communal dining on the affected floors has stopped. All staff working throughout Parsons Health Center continue to wear personal protective equipment, and we continue with enhanced cleaning measures. Since early March, Parsons Health Center residents have been monitored daily with temperature and symptoms screenings and checking lung sounds and oxygen levels.

On July 20 and 21, a Point Prevalence Survey, or PPS, will be conducted at Westminster Canterbury in partnership with the Virginia Department of Health and National Guard. All residents and staff of Westminster Canterbury Richmond will be tested over these two days. This testing will be extremely helpful to Westminster Canterbury as we respond to our current cases and plan our next steps.

Thank you for your care and understanding as we work to keep everyone safe and healthy. We will provide more information at the next Live Update on Tuesday, July 21, at 3 p.m.

Westminster Canterbury Richmond COVID-19 Response

Since March, Westminster Canterbury has had confirmed cases of COVID-19 in a total of six residents and 18 employees. Three residents have recovered. The remaining three residents are currently infected and live in Parsons Health Center. So far, 11 of the 18 employees have recovered, tested negative twice and returned to work. Seven employees continue to recover off campus.

We follow the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Virginia Department of Health (VDH).

Ongoing Updates

• The latest news is always available on our blog at

• Currently, we do live video updates on our in-house TV970 station on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3 p.m. and other times as needed. The updates include the latest news from John Burns, information on services being provided to residents and family members and Pastoral Care moments to lift our spirits.

• Recordings of the live video updates are available later on the blog at, at, or hourly on TV971 for those on campus.

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