New Resource for Memory Support!
Exciting New Resource Available from Westminster Canterbury Richmond
More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease today—a number expected to triple in the next 30 years. Many more experience other forms of dementia. For faith communities, this represents a crucial opportunity for ministry and practical care—one that many aren’t adequately prepared for.
Amidst mental and physical decline, those suffering from dementia diseases still deeply need human connection and spiritual nourishment. Oftentimes when words begin to fail for people with dementia, they also fail for those around them, who don’t know what to say or what to do.
A new resource is available now to help! Westminster Canterbury Richmond has just completed the When Words Fail project – a book, DVD, Study Guide and website. Written by one of our chaplains, the Rev. Kathy Fogg Berry, this resource will equip people to reach out to those living with dementia and offer person-centered spiritual care—ministering to the mind, body, and soul.
This project is rich with practical examples and tools designed to meet these emotional, physical, and spiritual needs, and devotes particular attention to ways of communicating even after words have failed. Taken together, these tools give pastoral workers a better understanding of how to visit and support not only people living with dementia but their caregivers, too.
Join us for a special book signing and sale, available at a reduced price, on Tuesday, January 31, 1-3 p.m. at Westminster Canterbury Richmond’s Galleria shop.
To learn more and to order the book and DVD, visit our website,