Stretch Your Brain!
It’s been said that if you want to feel young, go visit the ruins of Greece! Perhaps an even better idea is to stretch your brain to consider the implications of Greek philosophy! In fact, intellectual pursuits that may have been common during our school years are possible again in elderhood when we may have time and energy to explore topics of interest more deeply.
During the summers at Westminster Canterbury Richmond, our resident-run Senior Summer program offers a smorgasbord of interesting subjects to explore – from languages to history and many more in between. Most classes meet weekly over four to six sessions where these senior students dive deep into the subjects at hand. A popular offering this year is Dr. William Blake’s course Dionysus versus Apollo: The Ages of Reason and Romanticism, taught in the way only this fascinating VCU professor emeritus can teach.
Enjoy this sample of one of Dr. Blake’s lectures – and enjoy stretching your brain today!