How Do You Make A Pool Disappear?

How do you make a pool disappear? You tear it down and put a Vital Living Center in its place! It’s time for your monthly dose of Vibrancy! construction news from Westminster Canterbury Richmond. The former Aquatic Center has been demolished to make way for the Vital Living Center and Vitality Apartments. Village Apartments #3 is taking shape and the foundation for #4 is in place. The new Avalon entrance and Courtyard Elevators are nearing completion. Residents are enjoying the new dining venues, including Camilla’s, our coffee bar by day and lounge by night. Join President and CEO John Burns and Director Construction Management Tom Henning for a drone’s eye view of what’s happening on campus.

Throughout Vibrancy!, Westminster Canterbury will provide regular updates in a variety of ways. Look for our regular emails, follow us on Facebook or check Residents are also encouraged to attend Westminster Canterbury Monthly every first Tuesday of the month and read the Vibrancy! FAQ document.

To see renderings of the coming spaces, including the new Vital Living Center, and to learn more about becoming a resident here, visit

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