Voices of Richmond Lift Our Hearts in Song
The past few weeks at Westminster Canterbury Richmond have been filled with the heavenly sounds of many voices singing together in harmony. Our Sara Belle November Theater hosts more than 50 performances annually, and we were lucky to feature three local choirs in quick succession!
The Richmond Symphony Chorus, led by Erin Freeman, brought A Tribute to James Erb. This concert paid tribute to former resident Jim Erb who founded and led the Chorus for more than 30 years. This program was filled with arrangements by Erb himself, culminating in his well-known arrangement of “Shenandoah.”
For a different flavor, the Richmond Men’s Chorus entertained along with special guest Georgia Rogers Farmer. Their program was called Love and Lowered Standards, featuring love (and not-so-love-filled) songs from a variety of genres. From Broadway, to classics, to classical opera, this program explored love – the good, bad, and all the places in between.
Our weeks of choral music culminated with the Richmond Choral Society. They are the metro area’s longest continuing performing arts group. Their program was a tribute to Classical American composers Aaron Copland, Samuel Barber and Randall Thompson. The song selection was carefully crafted to allow the audience to compare and contrast the musical styles of the composers. Several Westminster Canterbury residents and volunteers are current and past members of the Choral Society.
Our residents are engaged in performances throughout the year, ranging from choral music to theater, dance, jazz, acrobats and more. The beautiful thing is that 100% of the performances in our theater are paid for by charitable donations. Our residents and their guests do not purchase tickets – they simply sign up to attend. This means that regardless of health or financial status, our residents live life well through the excitement and engagement of live performance.
Your gift to Westminster Canterbury Foundation can support Performing Arts or a number of other areas that ensure the best life possible for our residents and cultivate leadership in senior living. For more information, contact Anita Adkins at (804) 264-6202 or aadkins@wcrichmond.org.