We Need Your Help to Ensure the Best Life Possible

What a year 2020 has been! We are so grateful for you, and others like you, whose generosity makes such a difference in how we respond to these unusual times. With a global pandemic and uncertainty abounding, the year has been filled with challenges.

Here at Westminster Canterbury Richmond, 2020 has also been filled with resiliency and adaptation. Keeping our residents and staff safe meant keeping our guard up, our processes focused and our responses nimble and innovative.

To be frank, generosity has mattered more this year than ever. Support for seniors is even more critical now. Seniors are among those most vulnerable to the coronavirus pandemic. Westminster Canterbury Foundation’s Fellowship Program, with its promise of security and care for seniors-in-need, has been a lifeline for many. Fellowship is a source of peace and security for residents whose financial situations worsened throughout the year. Our residents know they will never be asked to leave for financial reasons that are no fault of their own.

Over the years, because of inspiring generosity, Westminster Canterbury created many ways for seniors to enjoy a purpose-filled, healthy elderhood. Your generosity provides healthcare excellence, memory support therapies, cultural arts, spiritual care, intergenerational magic, workforce development and more. You ensure the best life possible for seniors, especially during these extraordinary times!

Will you please consider helping as 2020 draws to a close? Your generous support will provide a home, help people remember, inspire creativity, support dedicated employees and bring joy! You can make such a difference.

For every season there is a giving reason. This has been a long, challenging season. But now there dawns a season of thanksgiving and celebration. We hope it is a season of generosity. Your gift will be a significant help and is greatly needed. Thank you so much for all you do to make this world a better place for seniors – and all of us as we age. We can’t do it without you!

Please consider a gift for Fellowship, for our Areas of Greatest Need or to Share Your Passion for a specific area! Make an Online Donation or learn about other Ways to Give.

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