Westminster Canterbury Richmond Video Update to Residents-April 10, 2020-3 p.m.
Westminster Canterbury Richmond is keeping our residents up-to-date on the latest news related to our COVID-19 response. Hear from our 3 p.m. live update to residents from John Burns, President and CEO; Sherry Grady, Vice President Facilities Management; Whitney Worrell, Manager Life Enrichment; Ray Fino, Painter; and David Curtis, Chaplain.
The following updates were shared during the live briefing on TV970.
John Burns
We learned of an additional positive COVID-19 case in an evening Housekeeping employee who has now been on quarantine for eleven days. Her illness has been very mild, and she is feeling well though still under quarantine. It is very common to be asymptomatic, which is why employees are wearing masks.
Self-Quarantine Reminders
As we enter this Easter weekend, please get outside for exercise and fresh air. Please remember to stay in your area of living as much as possible when you are inside the building, and only enter and exit the building in your area of living.
Thank you to residents who have been making fabric masks for employees. Sarah Abernathie coordinates getting materials for mask making to volunteers. If you have materials you don’t need, please return them to the Arts Studio, and Sarah will get them to those who need it.
Residents who are Off-Campus
Yellow dots are being placed on some apartment doors to designate residents who are off campus for an extended period so that employees know not to leave deliveries at their doors.
Our employees are still picking up and delivering mail from the US Postal Service. There will be no mail delivery on Saturday. Courtyard residents will receive mail in their mailboxes, and the rest of Independent Living will have it delivered to their door. Assisted Living and Parsons Health Center continue to receive mail in the usual ways.
You may leave your outgoing mail either in the outside blue boxes or in the boxes provided at the Tower and Center desks. Desk staff will deliver that mail to the blue boxes outside. Pick up from the blue box by the USPS occurs at 11 a.m.
The bank at Westminster Canterbury, formerly BB&T but now called Truist, will reopen on Wednesday, April 22. It will be open Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. There will only be one client allowed in the branch at a time. The ATM will be resupplied with cash on April 22. We will provide updates closer to the date.
We will not have a Live Update on Saturday or Sunday but will see you again on Monday at 3 p.m.
Sherry Grady
Plant orders
Order sheets for plants from Azalea Garden Center must be submitted by noon on Tuesday, April 14. Late orders will not be accepted. Kathleen Pender, horticulturist, and the Grounds crew will not be able to assist with planting. Contract gardeners are not allowed on site. If you have questions, call Sherry at ext. 5110.
Resident Garden Parking
Three parking spots are reserved for residents only by the Cochrane Pond greenhouse. For safety reasons, please do not park on the road.
Brown Garden
The Brown Garden was closed for making a gas line connection for the Spiritual Center. The entrance is now open and the outgoing USPS mailbox is accessible.
Dry Cleaning
We are working with Puritan to restart dry cleaning services by request and will share that information with you next week.
Whitney Woodruff, Manager Life Enrichment, and Ray Fino, Painter, spread Easter cheer.
David Curtis
Westminster Canterbury Richmond’s Easter Sunday service will air on TV970 at 4 and 7 p.m. The service bulletin can be found on Touchtown Community Apps and in the Holy Week Prayer Booklet.
Psalm 27: 1, 13, 14
The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?
I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong, and let your heart take courage;
wait for the Lord!
Gracious God: We have entered into a time of waiting. Having freed your children from enslavement in Egypt, they wandered and waited for 40 years in the desert. Having witnessed the death of Jesus, the disciples waited, not knowing what would happen until Easter morning broke like the first morning. Remind us that waiting is a part of the holy story of your people. Sanctify this time of waiting and make it holy for us, your children. Give us strength and courage for the living of these days as we wait for the end to this pandemic, as we wait to be reunited with our loved ones, as we wait for you. Amen.