Westminster Canterbury Richmond Video Update to Residents-March 20, 2020-10 a.m.
Westminster Canterbury Richmond is keeping our residents up-to-date on the latest news related to our COVID-19 response. Hear from our 10 a.m. live update to residents from John Burns, President and CEO; Tracey Powell, Infection Preventionist RN; Glendon Kemp, Manager of Security; Anita Adkins, Development Officer-Strategic Gifts & Special Projects; Windley Gravatt, Vice President Workforce Services; and David Curtis, Chaplain.
The following updates were shared during the live briefing on TV970.
John Burns noted the prep efforts staff conducted before COVID-19 hit Virginia (i.e., Coronavirus Task Force) and the measures that have been taking place since the virus hit this area and our community (i.e., Incident Command Team).
John introduced Tracey Powell, QAPI /Infection Preventionist and Commander Chief of the Coronavirus Incident Command Team. Tracey Powell shared the good news that the four residents, who staff and the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) were monitoring closely, were tested for COVID-19 and the results have come back negative. We are still awaiting the results of the four other residents who have been tested; we are hopeful as these residents are not showing any symptoms. Residents should look out for any new onset of symptoms (cough, fever, difficulty breathing) and report to the Clinic if they feel they are now symptomatic.
John introduced Glendon Kemp, Manager Security and Operations Chief of the Coronavirus Incident Command Team. Glen asked that residents, who have not been mandated to self-quarantine, to enjoy their quick walks outside of their apartment but refrain from entering the Lower Level and to not leave their respective areas. Outside, residents can walk freely. Additionally, he explained that if residents choose to leave campus, they may be mandated for 14-day self-quarantine. Residents are encouraged to continue practicing social distancing and work with their social workers if they have a reason to leave campus.
John shared there will be another update at 3 p.m. this afternoon and again tomorrow (Saturday, March 21) at 10 a.m. At this time, we are not planning to host a live update on Sunday, March 22.
CVS phone lines are overloaded system wide, including outside of Westminster Canterbury. Please make several attempts to contact CVS (ext. 6245), before calling the Clinic (ext. 6231) to report pharmacy needs.
Anita Adkins provided an update on Westminster Canterbury’s communication efforts.
It is challenging to print and distribute paper updates as we constantly have new information. By the time paper communication is delivered to residences, some of the information is out of date.
Residents received a printed The Tales newsletter on Wednesday afternoon that listed all current communication channels and how to access them.
Television is the easiest way to get content. TV970 features live updates and slides. TV971 features recorded content and the same slides with the latest announcements on things like groceries, dining options, housekeeping, mail and more.
If you have any device such as a smartphone or a tablet (e.g., an iPad or computer with an internet browser), you can access Touchtown Community Apps. The Tales has instructions for how to access it, and if you need help, you can contact IT at ext. 4026 or email help@wcrichmond.org. Community Apps has a whole section devoted to COVID-19 that has all the videos we have produced and written summaries of the latest frequently asked questions.
On our website, www.WCRICHMOND.org, we are posting every video or written update directly to our blog. This is the best way for your family members to stay in touch with us. You can access it by clicking the red COVID-19 banner across the top of the page. Once you are on the blog page, there is an option to subscribe so you get the updates directly in your email.
All video updates are also shared to our Facebook page. If you aren’t already on Facebook, you can find it by going to www.facebook.com in an internet browser or downloading the Facebook app directly to one of the devices I mentioned earlier.
The Incident Command Team that is responding to COVID-19 meets daily to address the top concerns and needs. From there, an agenda is created for the daily live updates on TV970.
After the live updates, within a few hours, a video is produced a video that can be rewatched on the hour, every hour, on TV971. Additionally, a written summary of any changes and announcements made is created.
All of this information is made available on TV971 through videos and slide content, in Touchtown Community Apps on the COVID-19 or Messages apps, on the blog on our website, and on Facebook. At the same time, we also communicate with our staff through email, a staff intranet site, and a staff-specific Facebook page.
As you call and ask questions, the Resident Services team and others catalogue concerns and share them to Anita, the Incident Command Team, and Resource Development team so they can be addressed and try to continually improve how we are getting this information to you.
Please take advantage of these wonderful tools!
Windley Gravatt shared an update regarding the Family First Bill that was just passed in the House and Senate in response to the COVID-19 crisis. The bill mandates paid sick time for those affected by the virus per Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines. Although this bill applies to companies greater than 50 but less than 500 employees, Westminster Canterbury believes it is just as important to care for our workforce of 620 employees as it is our residents during this uncertain and trying time. We are adhering to the bill as presented and adding provisions we believe will help staff stay financially stable through this crisis. The below policy has been in effect since March 1 to ensure that we capture those who may have been out early with concerns due to the virus. It will be re-evaluated on April 1 and adjusted as necessary.
Employees placed in quarantine coordinated or directed by Westminster Canterbury and not able to work from home will receive pay at the employee’s regular base rate.
Employees who are unable to work due to school or daycare closure and their child is age 12 or under will be paid two-thirds of their regular base rate.
Employees who are taking care of a family member with documented COVID-19 will be paid two-thirds of their regular base rate.
Employees with medical conditions making them high risk related to COVID-19, including pregnancy, who have been directed by their medical provider to abstain from work will be eligible for two-thirds their regular base rate, with proper documentation from their medical provider.
The leave of absence length will be determined by current CDC guidelines for the COVID-19 outbreak (currently 14 days).
Employees are able to supplement their leave pay with available Paid Time Off during this absence.
The Child Development Center has been reopened to essential staff only on the days they are working or during the day between two back-to-back night shifts. We have to maintain our classroom ratios and meet the directive laid out by our Governor of no more than 10 people per room.
David Curtis
Psalm 46: 1-3
God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change,
though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea;
though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble with its tumult.