Westminster Canterbury Richmond Video Update to Residents-March 23, 2020-3 p.m.
We continue our regular updates to residents about our COVID-19 response. Hear from our 3 p.m. live update to residents from John Burns, President and CEO; Debra Jacobsen, Administrator Resident Services; Sherry Grady, Vice President Facilities Management; and David Curtis, Chaplain.
The following updates were shared during the live briefing on TV970.
John Burns
USPS Mail Update
Westminster Canterbury staff picked up the mail from the Brook Road Post Office. Four vans full of mail were brought to campus, sorted by staff and are being delivered to residents’ doors. Abigail Spanberger’s office was instrumental in helping make this happen. Pharmacy and medical supplies delivered by mail were distributed. Thank you to residents who also reached out to Abigail Spanberger’s office. You do not need to continue calling as this issue will be resolved and communicated through Westminster Canterbury. Thank you for your patience!
Outgoing mail is being picked up from the outside USPS blue boxes. Please do not place it in the Outgoing Mail slots inside the building. There was a one-time pick up from the interior Outgoing Mail slots today, Monday, but for now, future mail will only be picked up from the outside mailboxes. For residents not in mandatory quarantine, you may come out of your apartments to drop outgoing mail off yourself. If you are under quarantine, you can call Resident Services at ext. 6082, Monday-Friday, and someone will come to your apartment to pick up outgoing mail.
Debra Jacobsen
Pharmacy Needs
• Residents should call CVS at ext. 6245.
• Residents can pay for their prescription by phone.
• CVS will deliver the prescriptions or over-the-counter medicines to the resident’s door.
• Over-the-counter medicines will only be delivered on Tuesday and Thursday.
• Prescriptions will be delivered daily, focusing first on delivering the ones needed that day. Prescriptions need to be ordered by 2 p.m. for same-day delivery.
• If you need your prescription filled, even if it is on auto refill, please call the Pharmacy.
• We will keep residents updated as these plans change.
• CVS phone lines are overloaded system wide, including outside of Westminster Canterbury. Please make several attempts to contact CVS (ext. 6245), before calling the Clinic (ext. 6231) to report pharmacy needs.
The U.S. Census is being delivered in the mail today. We expect that the due date will be extended, so please don’t worry if you need assistance filling it out. We will share more details when available.
Tax deadlines for both federal and Virginia have been extended. We cannot allow your tax preparers to come on campus at this time. If you need to get paperwork to them, you may put it in the outgoing mail.
Salon services are not being offered this week. We are waiting for guidance from Virginia Department of Health to determine when they may be offered again.
Please do not walk on the Lower Level of the building because our employees must be in those areas, and we want to limit staff and resident interaction and continue practicing social distancing. Residents may walk in the Courtyard Garage for exercise. Please continue to stay six feet away from each other and avoid gathering in groups.
Sherry Grady
Support Services Update
The Support Services team is staying very busy with usual work and helping as needed throughout the campus.
We continue with full service cleaning in Parsons Health Center. Full service cleaning is still on hold in Independent Living and Assisted Living. Special considerations for extenuating circumstances are being addressed on an individual basis. Please submit a work order through WorxHub or by calling ext. 6241.
Special attention for public spaces continues with additional disinfecting and cleaning work, including all surfaces, handrails and door knobs. We are operating in emergency response mode. We cannot open up additional spaces for programming and group activities at this time as we work to keep everything clean and safe.
Trash Collection
• For residents under quarantine, trash will be picked up by request through WorxHub or by calling ext. 6241. Extra bags will be available. Please keep your trash inside your apartment until someone comes to collect it.
• Trash for all other residents can go into the trash chutes as normal and will be collected on your regular cleaning day. We will knock on your door for pickup.
• Trash collection in Homes on the Green and Glebe Homes continues on the normal schedule.
• Recycling in Homes on the Green continues on the normal schedule.
Work Orders
Work orders are being prioritized by urgency. Engineering staff is only entering apartments with emergent needs on a case-by-case basis.
Staff are watering plants in greenhouses and interior spaces as needed and feeding the ducks at Cochrane Pond.
David Curtis
Healing from Coronavirus
A prayer by Alden Solovy, the Liturgist-in-Residence at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem:
Source of healing,
Cast the light of health and well-being
On those who’ve been exposed to coronavirus,
Those who have contracted the disease,
And those — God forbid — who contract the disease in the future.
Bless them, protect them and bring them speedily to full recovery.
Bless all who are ill
With healing of body,
Healing of soul
And healing of spirit.
.ברוך אתה ה’, מקור חיים
Baruch atah Adonai, m’kor chayim.
Blessed are You Adonai, Source of life. Amen.