Live Update to Residents-May 22, 2020

Daily Live updates to residents on our in-house TV970 keep us informed and connected. Today’s update featured John Burns, President and CEO; Laurie Youndt, Director of Clinical Services; Debra Jacobsen, Administrator Resident Services; Scott Jonté, Director of Dining; Child Development Center children; and David Curtis, Chaplain.

The following updates were shared during the live briefing on TV970.

John Burns

Nationally, there are 1,551,095 cases of COVID-19, and there have been 93,061 deaths. In Virginia,

• 223,433 have been tested for COVID-19.

• The positivity rate for Virginia is 14.7%, trending down from a high of 22% about a month ago. Positivity rates in local areas are 11.2% in Henrico (slight trend downward), 14.1% in Chesterfield (slight trend upward), 21.4% in Richmond (trending down for seven days but up from two weeks ago) and 8.4% in Hanover (flat).

• Total positive cases are 34,950, an increase of 813.

• In total, 4,145 people have been hospitalized to date. 1,759 are currently in the hospital.

• There have been 1,136 deaths associated with COVID-19, an increase of 37.

• 4,963 people have recovered, an increase of 185.

• There have been 188 outbreaks in long-term care facilities, with 4,331 cases and 667 deaths. There have been 13 outbreaks in Henrico, 9 in Chesterfield, 5 in Hanover and 3 in Richmond.

Memorial Day

On Monday, May 25, tune in to a special Memorial Day Service program on TV970 at 11 a.m. This program was put together by residents. The program may be viewed off campus on YouTube.

On Monday, there will be no 3 p.m. briefing and no grocery deliveries from family members at the Azalea Lot or Publix.

Westminster Canterbury’s Next Steps

Please refer to the memo distributed on May 21 to help clarify information on next steps that was shared yesterday. More information will be reviewed at briefings next week. Wearing a mask will be mandatory beginning May 26. Staff will help teach residents how to correctly wear a mask, and residents will not be allowed to participate in programs and services without wearing a mask.

Social Distancing

At all times, maintain at least six feet of space between you and others everywhere you go. As small group activities are hosted indoors, group size should be limited to six people given space constraints on campus. For outdoor activities, group size should be limited to ten people or fewer with adequate space in between. There will be signs in the lounges and Roof Terrace to remind you of these guidelines.

Outdoor Walking

When walking outdoors, please remember that if there is no sidewalk, you should walk facing the traffic. This helps you to see cars on the road and helps them to see you.

Laurie Youndt

The Clinic began restarting services on April 21. As of May 26 all practitioners will have resumed their normal hours. The schedules will be in The Tales next week. During Westminster Canterbury’s Step One, the current Clinic operations remain in effect.

• No walk-ins.

• If you have questions or need to schedule an appointment, please call the Clinic at ext. 6231.

• If a resident needs services such as wound care, injection or medications, please call for an appointment time in the morning, before noon. This is much appreciated as we have an additional nurse during those hours, Monday through Friday, to better manage these types of visits.

• For residents with appointments to see a practitioner, Clinic staff will call to let you know when to come to the Clinic.

Eliminating walk-in services has reduced resident wait time and prevents crowding of the waiting room. Please keep social distancing in mind any time you are in the Clinic area. Please do not lean or reach through the window into the Clinic reception area.

The Pharmacy remains closed to residents at this time, with operations continuing as they have been. For now, we do not have a timeline for when that will change.

Debra Jacobsen

Salon Services

The Main Street Salon, including the Barber Shop, and Avalon Salon will open on Tuesday, May 26, with limited services. All appointments will be made by calling ext. 6281. No walk-ins are allowed. All appointments for next week have been scheduled. Please be patient as you try to schedule appointments beyond next week. The Salon received over 50 messages just this morning.

Arts Studio

The McGue-Millhiser Arts Studio and Gordon Woodworking Shop are opening again for limited hours.

McGue-Millhiser Arts Studio and McCord Clay Studio

Open on Monday and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. -1 p.m. A total of six people at the Arts Studio tables and in the loom area and two residents in the Clay Studio will be allowed. Tables and chairs will be spaced apart and removed for social distancing requirements. Sarah will be monitoring the spaces to help or answer questions if needed.

Gordon Woodworking Shop

Open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-11 a.m. and then 1-3 p.m. to allow for more cleaning in between groups. No more than two people at a time. Residents will schedule work times on a monitored list organized by Neill Nelson.

Social distancing must be observed at all times and masks must be worn. There will be a table in the Arts Studio and Woodworking Shop with hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. Please use the sanitizer upon entering the space. The Arts Studio will have a sheet for you to sign designating your work station location. At the end of your session, please put away all of your supplies and work in their appropriate places, and wipe down your chair, table, and anywhere else you feel necessary, with the provided wipes. Please call Sarah at ext. 6268 or email, if you have questions or need clarification.

Fitness and Aquatic Center Appointments

The Fitness Center and Aquatic Center will be open by appointment only starting on Monday, June 1. All appointments will be 30 minutes in length and each resident is granted two appointment times per week. Appointments are available Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

To schedule an appointment for the Fitness Center, call ext. 6669. Please leave a message if no answer indicating a preferred day, time and equipment. We will return your call.

To schedule an appointment for the Aquatic Center, call ext. 6539. Please leave a message if no answer indicating a preferred day and time. We will return your call.

Please see the below schedule for appointment purposes:

• June 1 – 4: Phone line for appointments will open Tuesday, May 26

• June 8 – 11: Phone line for appointments will open Tuesday, June 2

• June 15 – 18: Phone line for appointments will open Tuesday, June 9

• June 22 – 25: Phone line for appointments will open Tuesday, June 16

• June 29 – July 2: Phone line for appointments will open Tuesday, June 23

Memorial Day

Residents should check mailboxes today for a special surprise.

Scott Jonté

We are planning a themed cookout menu for Memorial Day, Monday, May 25. The menu will include hamburgers, hot dogs and other favorites. You will receive a copy of the menu today. Please refer to this menu when ordering for Monday rather than the Promenade weekly menu you already received.

Each meal delivery includes a beverage – bottle of water, milk or small sodas. Twenty-ounce sodas are not included in a meal and cost an additional $1.50.

Fun Friday

Watch the video to see children from the Child Development Center share a short Memorial Day presentation. The Child Development Center is currently open to employees only.

David Curtis – Pastoral Care

A Sermon for Every Sunday will air this Sunday, May 24, at 4 p.m. on TV 970. Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, is the featured preacher.

Scripture: Genesis 1:1-5

In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

Blessing – by Jan Richardson, from “Circle of Grace: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons.”

Blessed are you

who bear the light

in unbearable times,

who testify

to its endurance

amid the unendurable,

who bear witness

to its persistence

when everything seems

in shadow

and grief.

Blessed are you

in whom

the light lives,

in whom

the brightness blazes—

your heart

a chapel,

an altar where

in the deepest night

can be seen

the fire that

shines forth in you

in unaccountable faith,

in stubborn hope,

in love that illumines

every broken thing

it finds.

© Jan Richardson

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