The Giving Time of Year

The Giving Time of Year

The holiday season is a wonderful time for taking stock of our blessings. As we celebrate with family, spend time with friends, shop for the perfect gift or prepare special holiday treats, we can reflect on all the people and things we are thankful for. It… Read More

Employee Fund!

Employee Fund!

Our residents wish our employees good tidings. Our residents recently showed the Westminster Canterbury Richmond staff the true meaning of the Christmas spirit and seasonal generosity. Working together, residents raised and donated a record amount of money to the Employee Christmas Fund (ECF). Full-time staff members received approximately $1,000 each… Read More

Inspire Generosity!

Inspire Generosity!

Seniors-in-need depend on our Fellowship Program. Unexpected life circumstances can rewrite your family’s future. Good financial decisions and frugal living are the building blocks of solid retirement planning, but illness or a long life can make you come up short financially. More than forty years ago, Westminster Canterbury’s founders committed… Read More

Our Star!

Our Star!

The star reminds us of God’s promise. Drivers whirling down Interstate 95 now have a holiday focal point to guide their travel. Last week, we continued a 38-year-old tradition by lighting the Advent star with a program that included music and poetry and prayer. The light shines in the darkness… Read More

Jingle, Jingle!

Oh what fun it is to celebrate the holidays. Around each corner at Westminster Canterbury Richmond you will find a beautifully decorated tree! There are over 45 Christmas trees in all, representing different aspects of holiday life here. Some are created and decorated by our residents and others by our… Read More

Healing Anew

Join us for a special healing service. Every Tuesday something special happens in the Montague Chapel. Our pastoral care staff brings together residents and staff for a service of music, prayers and comfort. Participants pray for members of our community in a holy and supportive setting. Our Healing Anew video… Read More